Reasons Why People Lose Their Gun Rights and How to Restore Them

Losing the right to own or possess firearms can significantly affect individuals. It impacts their freedoms and potentially affects their livelihoods. This is where gun rights restoration lawyers play a part.

5 Reasons People Lose Their Gun Rights

1.    Criminal Convictions

Individuals convicted of certain crimes, mostly felonies. Therefore, they may face a loss of gun ownership or possession rights. Being found guilty of crimes like domestic violence, drug abuse, and violent acts can revoke gun rights. Similarly, they also can stop a convicted individual from receiving civil rights.

2.    Domestic Violence Restraining Orders

People who are under a restraining order for domestic violence or a protective order are likely not to be in possession of any arms. These orders are often issued in cases involving allegations of domestic violence or abuse. Moreover, it can result in the temporary or permanent loss of gun rights.

3.    Mental Health Adjudications

If people get committed internally without their consent, they may lose their right to own firearms. Firearm jurisdiction implications arise regarding a person’s mental health. Therefore, It could lead the person not to be eligible to own a gun federally and statewide.

4.    Illegal Immigration Status

Non-citizens in the United States illegally may be prohibited from owning or possessing firearms. Federal regulations ban aliens who do not hold valid visas and aliens with restricted immigration status from purchasing and carrying firearms (n.D.).

5.    Active Protection Orders

One of the fundamental legislative measures is restricting firearm ownership for those subject protection orders, such as the resting orders or injunctions. Furthermore, these types of orders occur in cases that involve stalking, harassment, or threats of violence. Additionally, they could either ensure the temporary or permanent seizure of gun permits.

How to Restore Them with a Gun Rights Restoration Lawyer

●       Legal Analysis

The gun rights restoration lawyer in Florida will do a thorough legal analysis of the person’s case, including records of arrest, management of cases in courts, comparing all instances related to the legal process, and any similar cases. Furthermore, they will evaluate the reasons for losing gun rights. And, also, they point out possible ways to make the right to possess guns legal again.

●       Petition Preparation

A gun rights restoration lawyer would help the individual through the application process. Therefore, it would involve gathering the necessary evidence. It might entail gathering the data, concocting the statements, and filing the petition.

●       Court Representation

The lawyer for the rights of a handgun will represent the person at all the court cases involving restoring their gun ownership rights. They would represent the individual at the hearing and present facts and arguments to the judge disposing of the case. They would also be conducting cross-examinations of witnesses as required.

●       Appeals

The court can deny an individual’s gun rights restoration petition. While this might be frustrating, a gun rights restoration lawyer has the proper skill set to assist you with the appeal process and can even evaluate the case for review by a higher court. Similarly, they will analyze the grounds for the denial, identify legal errors or procedural irregularities. In addition, they pursue all available avenues for overturning the decision.

Choose Talmadge Law Firm for Gun Rights Restoration Lawyer

To restore your firearm rights, you must meet the eligibility criteria and apply for clemency. The process can be complicated, and it is highly recommended that you get help from a gun rights restoration lawyer in Florida if you are looking to restore your gun rights.

Give Talmadge Law Firm a call at (321) 285-6712.

